
Bormio Transfers

By car:

Bormio is located in the Italian region of Lombardy, 200 kms northwest of Milan and near the Swiss border and getting to Bormio is fairly straightforward, despite its remoteness. Expect about a 4-hour drive with traffic, especially on weekends, however the drive along the banks of Lago di Lecco and Lago di Como, through the long tunnels down to Valtellina is beautiful, as you pass vineyards on the south-facing slopes, orchards in the valley, farms and castles. From Milan take the roads A51 and then A52 to reach Cinisello Balsamo, leave the highway to Viale Brianza, follow Vialle Lombardia and Viale Nuova Valassina to take road SS36, after around 80km take the way SS38 to Bormio.

By train:

Rail transport goes as far as Tirano, from where you will have to complete the journey by road. Trains from Milan to Tirano take approximately 2 hours, 30 minutes. Bus transfers provide transport from Tirano to Bormio.

Train timetable: Trenitalia 



Prices are per person in Australian Dollars.  Conditions apply. Subject to change. Prices are subject to currency fluctuations. 

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