
Klosters Transfers


Arrival by train:

There are two trains from Zurich International Airport, every hour, which travel to Landquart. At Landquart you must change on the train to Klosters. There are suitable connection trains hourly. Travelling by car will take you an hour less than the train combination.

Time tables:
- RhB
Europe's highest alpine railway


Arrival by Car:

If arriving by car, take the Zürich-Chur road as far as the Landquart/Davos exit. The drive from Landquart to Klosters is through the narrow valley and passes Kublis and then onto Klosters-Dorf. The road ends in Klosters-Platz. The distance from Zürich is about 144 kilometres..

Klosters Map

Conditions apply. Subject to change and availability. Prices are subject to currency fluctuations.

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