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Val di Fassa Transfers

By car:

Main access points to the valley coming from the A22, Brennero motorway:
- Ora/Egna exit: SS 48 delle Dolomiti - Passo San Lugano - Val di Fiemme - Val di Fassa (distance 45 km).
New ring road from Moena to Val di Fassa.
- Bolzano Nord exit: SS 241 Grande Strada delle Dolomiti - Passo Costalunga - Val di Fassa (distance 37 km)

Other access routes:
- SP 346 del Passo San Pellegrino - Moena (new ring road)
- SP 641 del Passo Fedaia - Canazei
- SS 48 del Passo Pordoi - Canazei
- SS 242 del Passo Sella - Canazei

By train:

Closest railway stations: Trento, Bolzano and Ora

Information and timetables:
- Ferrovie dello Stato (Italian State Railways)
- Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways)

By air:

Closest airports:
- Bolzano km 50
- Verona km 180
- Venezia km 175
- Milano km 350
- Innsbruck km 190
- Monaco di Baviera km 320


Prices are per person in Australian Dollars.  Conditions apply. Subject to change. Prices are subject to currency fluctuations. 

Contact Ski The World


Toll Free: 1800 156 856

Phone: (07) 5630 0273

Fax: (07) 5526 2944

Office Address: Suite 1, 66 Appel Street, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217

Postal Address: P.O. Box 728, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217


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